Welcome to the official sticker fest of Santa Fe, NM

Hi folx!
The Santa Fe Sticker Fest is a mobile gallery and sticker wall featuring sticker artists from all over the world. We have binders with indexed work for curious people to look through to find new arist's socials. We collect the stickers into a mobile and online gallery so anyone can have the chance to find new people to collect from. Our aim is
to increase exposure to sticker artsit's in a setting that is not a retail store, but a place for potential buyers and collector to find the artists directly. The Santa Fe Sticker Fest is for all sticker artists who want to find collectors, buyers and a larger audience for their unique and interesting art.
Thank you for your contribution and making this dream a reality!

Sticker Maker and Collector
Welcome to the Santa Fe Sticker Fest!
Sticker artists around the world share a common intersection of vision and materials, being digital or analogue design. The stickers are often focused on political issues, promotional advertising, graffiti or are coded with another type of universal message. Consequently, sticker art lies at a crossroads of street art, fine art, illustration, and DIY.
Independent artists are now able to produce showroom quality vinyl stickers through companies such as New Mexico Sticker Co, or even in their own homes with a Cricut or other similar machine.
Of equal artistic value, are stickers that are one of a kind and hand drawn on “Hello my name is” and “Priority Mail” paper labels. These stickers tend to be one offs and not meant to last as long as the vinyl stickers mentioned above. Often these stickers represent an artists “tag” name and are used as a graffiti “slap up” with the knowledge they will deteriorate over time.
The confluence of sticker art and collecting go hand in hand and a common sentiment of the sticker collector or sticker enthusiast is they can not decide where to stick the stickers and thus the stickers inevitably end up similarly unstuck in a binder or bin, in turn populating a collection.
The sticker enthusiast often collects commercial stickers and independent artist stickers together, allowing an assemblage of small time artists to be in the same collection as million dollar companies, and thus there are no limits based on artists’ credentials as there might be in a gallery or museum setting.
This collection came about through our own enthusiasm for collecting and making stickers coupled with a desire to connect other sticker makers with collectors and each other. There are artists from over 14 countries represented in this collection and it is our hope that you enjoy perusing all the various styled stickers as much as we enjoyed curating them!

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